A Horizon Europe proposal developed with an open approach by a consortium of 15 partners.
In collaboration with the NEB Chapters of Stockholm, Emilia Romagna Region, and the woodland living chapter, we wrote a common proposal for the call:
Setting up a New European Bauhaus hub for results and impact
This project follows the principles of decentralized organizations: each entity is responsible to complete their own part in an autonomous way. The entire group of interested participants is split in smaller working groups that take care of a part of the proposal, work groups are on discord.
Info on the call
A ‘New European Bauhaus hub for results and impacts’ is required to collect, centralise, manage, monitor and exploit the knowledge produced by the NEB projects, the NEB Community and other relevant NEB actions (e.g. projects resulting from EU-funded calls dedicated to NEB across the different EU programmes, NEB Lab) while also ensuring cooperation and collaboration between them. By having an overview of all the knowledge produced, the progress made, the challenges faced and the research gaps yet to overcome, the hub will be an agile instrument that will contribute to informing the implementation of the NEB Facility and will help to increase its impact. Ultimately, it will contribute to advancing the objectives of the NEB in a coherent manner.
How to participate
Participation to co-write this proposal has been open to any official member of the New European Bauhaus until July 15th and is now closed. However, if you are interested in opening a new local chapter and in being updated on this proposal, please send an email to bxl@neb-chapter.eu for an update meeting.