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Good afternoon!

We are approaching the end of July, and our proposal is taking shape. It is also probably time to start reducing access to it, and close the open application process.

From now on, access to our shared folder and to mural are password protected, the password for both is Access.NEBWISE.2024 (please keep it confidential)

Then link to our shared folder is still the same:

The link to Mural has changed:

Our conversations are still happening in our discord channel, you can join here:


You will find all information in the shared folder, and in our mural. I would recommend to start from the shared folder and watch two new videos: one about the "What" we build, and the second about the "how" we build it.

You can then check the updated NEBWISE concept that also includes an updated list of partners and of workpackages

Finally, you can check the updated wp descriptions and timeline proposal. You will see that we are proposing a tight development with a 24 months project.


We need updated expression of interest to participate (and lead) work packages. Please contribute to the document "wp descriptions and timeline proposal.docx" by adding the name of your organization to the participants list available in all work packages. You should be able to edit directly the document online.

I will update the division of budget per work-package as a proposal for conversation.

NEXT work session

I propose a common working session for next Friday 26th, from 10AM to 12AM. If you cannot participate and want to exchange impressions and comments, please respond to this email, and I'll contact you directly to receive your input.

The registration link for the online work session is

For those of us on vacation, ENJOY! Looking forward to continue together!



New European Bauhahus

All emails sent from this address are registered in a public log.

